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Founder’s Memo


Dear user,

I appreciate you taking the time to read this memo. After having released Frost for over two years I wanted to take out a brief moment to reflect on some things.

Frost is a fine piece of innovation that has helped countless writers across the globe, however not many know about its origins. Frost originated in 2019 as a simple idea of combining writing with minimalism and providing creatives a sophisticated, yet beautiful, space to write their thoughts down. Most of the themes in Frost have been inspired by my personal experiences as a teenager and the land I belong. 'Heer', for example, is a memento of the tragic love story of 'Heer Ranjha' based in the state of Punjab.

Frost has been refined as an app and as a service with every update since then. However the most recent update, 4.0, has meant much more to me; not because of the amount of work it involved or because of the updates that are being introduced, but because of how it challenged me as a creative and as a person. 4.0 combines art with tech in a very elegant fashion as can be seen across the website. And me trying to achieve this very combination was a process that planted a realization in my mind on how writing, and creativity in general, is such an alluring process that surpasses me and my existence. Frost 4.0 is bigger than me and aims to portray a much bigger vision of creativity, gratefulness, and affection towards your loved ones.

As you browse through the website and explore your inner creative; I hope you can get a sense of the ideas and feelings that went into the production of this platform. I'd like to thank you for giving Frost a space in your life, and to me, as a young creative, it means a lot.



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